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Essay Preparation


We at collectorsahab.com provide best guidance for IAS preparation through online and distance education.We believe in mentoring students from socially and economically disadvantaged groups. By reaching through distance education,postal guidance,online. Feed backs, reaching through technology driven modules ,to bridge the Physical ,economic, social barriers.

Lending Hands to someone is better than giving a dole

Helping the person in distress is a humane act. We should recognize the persons and organization that come forward to do this thing. But this service should not go beyond a certain period of time to the target group which may turn counterproductive. There should be certain measurement gauge which can be used to analyze the quantum of change in the lives of the beneficiaries. Here we can see about the present attitude about helping, their impacts, ideal impact in need and the way forward.

In today’s world of globalization there has been drastic growth in the economy of all nations which also brought millions out of poverty in world in general and developing world in particular. This also came with some negative impacts on the group which missed the train of globalization. Some of the effects are raising level of inequalities, environmental pollution, neo colonel polices, and etc. in order to minimize some of these ill effects on the affected group the government had announced the safety nets to them. These can be attributed heavily after the liberalization of the Indian economy. But these measures are not up to the expectation. These may be due to the leakages, inefficiency, corruption, lack of conciseness of their results. As result of this still large percentage of the people toil in the world of hunger and poverty. These can be concluded from the recent review of the achievement of the millennium development goals (MDG) by various countries.